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Sales & Service: (877) 747-7117
Corporate & Purchasing: (800) 434-7065

Joint Health & Safety Committee Training, Part 2: Manufacturing and Construction

Course Overview

This Ontario Chief Prevention Officer approved Joint Health & Safety Committee Training, Part 2 is a follow up to the JHSC Training Part 1. JHSC members who have taken the JHSC Part 1 must attend specific modules covering the hazards associated with their workplace. Both Part 1 and Part 2 must be completed to receive full certification.

The goal of this course is to provide the participants with instruction and techniques on how to recognize, assess and control hazards as well as techniques on how to evaluate hazard controls for workplace hazards in their industry. This 2 day course covers common hazards that can be found in Manufacturing, Construction and Trades.

The Ontario Chief Prevention Officer requires a course minimum of 6 participants and a maximum of 24. This is to ensure a dynamic classroom environment and to facilitate group activities to assist in the knowledge transfer.


Course Outline

Prerequisite: Completion of JHSC Part 1

Course duration: 1 days

Hazard Modules

• Slip,Trip, Fall & Ladder/Scaffold Safety

• Hoisting/Rigging and Mobile Equipment Hazards

• Machine Hazards and Lockout Tagout

• Confined Spaces

• Ergonomics

• Heat Stress/Cold Stress

• Chemicals and Designated Substances


Course Outline

Day 1 - At the conclusion of Day 1, the trainee will:

1. Be refreshed on the certified members duties and RACE method for hazard control

2. Understand the hazards and controls for the use of ladders/scaffolds and on the proper use and limitations for Personal Protective Equipment based Fall Protection systems

3. Be able to recognize and assess hoisting/rigging and mobile equipment hazards and identify the controls that need to be used when using this equipment

4. Know how to identify machine hazards and controls including guarding and lock out tag-out requirements


Day 2 - At the conclusion of Day 2, the trainee will:

1. Know how to identify what a confined space is and recognize common confined space hazards and associated control methods and to evaluate the effectiveness of those controls

2. Know what ergonomic hazards are, their loss potentials and control methods for common tasks performed in the workplace

3. Know how to identify heat stress and cold stress hazards and how to evaluate their severity as well as identify different control & evaluation methods

4. Be able to recognize & assess chemical hazards including potential designated substance hazards in the workplace as well as how to control exposure to those hazards including evaluation and air monitoring methods


The course also includes numerous handouts and table top and group exercises. Handouts include:

• Detailed course manual

• Ladder Inspection Form

• Job hazard analysis form

• Workplace inspection report form

• Accident/incident investigation form

• JHSC Recommendation Form

• Action Plan Form


To pass this course participants will be required to:

• Complete a written test; a pass mark of 80%+ is required

• Complete an action plan for a workplace hazard at their workplace, participate in and successfully complete the group exercises; there are numerous group exercises in this course and they are part of the participant evaluation process



8:00 am to 4:30 pm


Refreshments and lunch are included.

Training Inquiry

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