Vente & Service: (877) 747-7117
Siège Social: (800) 434-7065
Vente & Service: (877) 747-7117
Siège Social: (800) 434-7065

Assainissement de scène de crime et d’accident

Trauma and Crime Scene Technician


  • IICRC approved; 14 IICRC CEC credits
  • Microbiology: Microbiology of human bodily fluids and potential pathogenic implications
  • Regulations: OSHA, CDC, FDA requirements, regulations and recommendations
  • Psychological Issues: Psychological issues related to surviving family, occupants, and workers
  • Health & Safety: Lines of defense, immunizations, personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • Biocides: Discuss why and how to use antimicrobials and biocides
  • Work Practices: Equipment, supplies and processes for structure and contents decontamination
  • Odor Control: Discuss methods and procedures to control and remove odor
  • HVAC Systems: Provide methods for evaluating restoration processes and feasibility
  • Putrefaction: Managing trauma scene clean-up after significant time has allowed putrefaction
  • Case Study: Utilize actual project files to illustrate full cleaning and decontamination process

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Formation à la sécurité en vedette

Programmes de formation sur mesure enseignés par des instructeurs d'expérience

Besoin d'aide?


Vente & Service:
(877) 747-7117

Siège Social :
(800) 434-7065

Vente & Service: (877) 747-7117 Siège Social : (800) 434-7065