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Hazmasters News

Conseils actualisés pour masques facials au Canada | Pourquoi les masques KN95?

Dec 02, 2021
Conseils actualisés pour masques facials au Canada | Pourquoi les masques KN95 ?   L’agence de santé publique du Canada (ASPC) a récemment changé leur conseil au sujet des masques facials, et propose maintenant l’utilisation de masques médicaux ou respirateurs (comme les masques facials KN95) pour les individus : qui ont testés positif pour, ou...

Updated Guidance for Face Masks in Canada | Why KN95 Masks?

Dec 02, 2021
Updated Guidance for Face Masks in Canada | Why KN95 Masks?   The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) recently changed their mask guidance and is now recommending the use of medical masks or respirators (such as KN95 face masks) for individuals: who have tested positive for or have symptoms of COVID-19 who are...

Accurate and Reliable Results: Dräger’s Drug Testing Devices Earn Top Performance Ratings

Aug 16, 2021
Dräger’s Drug Testing Devices Earn Top Performance Ratings by the U. S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)   Dräger DrugTest 5000 (DDT5000) and Dräger DrugCheck 3000 (DDC3000) received best overall performance ratings in an evaluation report by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the Governors Highway Safety Association...

Wildfire Safety

Jul 22, 2021 by Amanda McLaren
A wildfire can spread quickly across forests and fields, giving you little time to evacuate to safety. Drought, dry conditions, and the careless use of fire all contribute to increased risk of wildfire.  Be prepared to evacuate at a moment’s notice – use the web to track current fires and...

EPI anti-arc de catégorie 5

May 05, 2021 by Amanda McLaren
Un arc électrique est le résultat d'une décharge de courant électrique dans l'air à l'intérieur d'un appareil électrique, d'un conducteur sous tension exposé à un autre ou à la terre*. Un incident causé par un éclat d'arc électrique consiste généralement en un éclair de lumière ultra-brillant suivi d'une chaleur...

Arc Flash PPE Category 5

May 03, 2021 by Amanda McLaren
Arc Flash PPE Category 5 Electrical Safety Month Feature   An arc flash results from a flashover of electrical current through air in electrical equipment from one exposed live conductor to another or to ground*.  An arc flash incident usually consists of an ultra-bright flash of light followed by intense heat, and...

The Quiet Danger of Worksite Dehydration

Apr 06, 2021 by Conney Safety Experts
Imagine a two-liter of pop. This is about how much sweat a worker could possibly lose per hour when working in extreme heat.   This is why proper worksite hydration is critical. Each year hundreds die and thousands become ill while working in extreme heat or humidity. No...

Spring Flooding Safety

Mar 26, 2021 by Amanda McLaren
With the arrival of spring, most of us welcome the warmer temperatures and begin looking forward to summer vacations and barbecues. However, the onset of nice weather also brings risks that require preparedness and planning.   The biggest among these is spring flooding. This can happen as a result...

How does fatigue impact safety?

Jan 29, 2021 by 3M
What is fatigue? Simply put, fatigue is the state of feeling tired. Fatigue can take many different forms, making you feel sleepy, weary or overtired. It can be caused by many different factors, like insufficient sleep, long hours of extended mental and physical activity, sleep disorders or prolonged periods...

Démasquer Le KN95

Nov 24, 2020 by En collaboration avec Conney Safety
Alors que la pandémie de COVID se poursuit, nous avons reçu une avalanche de questions sur les masques faciaux KN95. Quand pouvez-vous les utiliser ? Quelles sont leurs performances ? Sont-ils sécuritaires ? Le masque facial KN95 est l'équivalent chinois du masque respiratoire N95 utilisé couramment aux États-Unis et au...

Unmasking the KN95

Nov 23, 2020 by Partnership With Conney Safety
As the COVID pandemic grinds on, we have been fielding a flurry of questions about KN95 face masks. When can you use them? How do they perform? Are they safe?The KN95 face mask is China’s equivalent to the N95 respirator used commonly in the U. S. and Canada....

Halloween Safety Tips

Oct 30, 2020 by Amanda McLaren
Halloween celebrations always have their own particular set of safety risks, whether from pedestrian deaths from vehicle collisions, fire hazards from decorations and candles, or inclement weather (especially from ice, cold, and rain). However, 2020 brings its own set of safety concerns with the COVID19 pandemic.   The CDC has...
13-24 of 58 Results Found



Conseils actualisés pour masques facials au Canada | Pourquoi les masques KN95?
Dec 2, 2021
Conseils actualisés pour masques facials au Canada | Pourquoi les masques KN95 ?   L’agence de santé publique du Canada (ASPC) a récemment read more...
Updated Guidance for Face Masks in Canada | Why KN95 Masks?
Dec 2, 2021
Updated Guidance for Face Masks in Canada | Why KN95 Masks?   The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) recently changed their read more...

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